All of Our DIY Projects

    As a naturaly cerative person, I wanted as  much of our wedding to be as personalized as possible. So I decided to do as much as I can DIY. This is where I'll be posting all of the ideas and progress I've made for all of your to see. I can't wait to get started!

          Invites and all other paper
          Asle Runner
          BM's Dresses
          Favors- Carmel Apples= yum
          Wooden Chargers- Pending...I'm being hopeful.
          Card Box
          Ring Pillow
          Flower Girl Basket
          Cake Topper
          Linens- Pending


   I plan on using mirror tiles to make a lager square mirror, to put the oil lamps and votives on. The tiles will most likely be glued onto felt or fabric coverd plywood squares as the base.
   The plus, well have really cool mirror to either hang up in the house after the wedding is over, or we can sell them!

The second idea for the center pieces. The mirror squares might not be all the practical so this is now the running idea a 12"x12" mirror from joanns.


   Neither Ken or I are big flower fans. So the plan is to use oil lamps as the center pieces, with a few viotives placed around it, maybe a few lfowers or flower petals. Thats still in the works. 
  We plan on borrowing the lamps for our family members that have clear glass oil lamps around the same size. That way their not all the same and it will give it a different kind of feel, and its cost effictive. Then if we dont have enough, we can buy the ones we need.

Votive holders

Just some brain storming...


I found this photo on TK, I love this idea. It's a great way for us as animal lovers to bring our dogs into the wedding. The dog there even looks like ours:)

Ring Pillow

My fav. pillow so far. The only thing I would change would be the black, I would use camo fabric instead. It dosen't really fit the over all theme of the wedding but both ken and jayden would love it. And maybe add a dear charm instead of the leaf, we'll see.

Hanging mason Jars

I'll attach ribbon to this once I get it. We'll hang these all around the tent, yard and maybe even down the aisle. 

The finished product:)